New EBM resource for University of Toronto physicians

The evidence-based, point-of-care e-resource DynaMed is available free to all Canadian Medical Association (CMA) members, along with a number of other excellent online resources (e.g. 5-Minute Clinical Consult, BMJ Best Practice, CPGs, etc. ), through The Library is letting you know about Dynamed’s availability due to the recent changes in access to the e-resource UpToDate for University of Toronto faculty and staff. Dynamed is an alternative to UpToDate. CMA also offers DynaMed’s mobile app and you can use your DynaMed searches to obtain MainPro credits.

In order to use the resources on you will need to register with your CMA ID number. For help with your CMA ID number or to become a member, call 1 888 855 2555 or email CMA.